the Internet of Things [green]

Student Project for INDS 3B09: Design Research, Insights & Innovation
For the Industrial Design Department of the Ontario College of Art & Design,
team mentor Matthew Jones, Research Associate, Beal Centre for Strategic Creativity

Monday, March 27, 2006

Summary of what we have discussed during the meeting today.

IOT group meeting,

Discussing our problem from last project.

1. We were focusing on things that could be improved or thing could only about IOT. Things that only use IOT.
2. For our scenario should focus on IOT itself as ecology, Things that absolutely rely only on IOT.
3. We should base on the things. (Object and Object relationship and technology and technology talks) Object isolated as object. Ie) when you put down cock on the table, the chair automatically pull out for you, Cock and table talks to the chair.
4. Plot the scenario.
A) Do it in linear way. Figure out points, and plot them. It keeps you focus on the track. B): Actors: figure out who would all the character would be and how it will be converge.
5. Use POD as inspiration, Have a gripping line for the story.
6. Check out user scenario from the Alex’s file.
7. Emotional and discover deep progression from the writing.
8. Example of saving the money through of IOT. Keeping tracking of what people would buy, and what people would waste, if there is fridge and tell what they need to the producer, than value will be put in the …
- do we need even physical money? If you want to buy something and if it automatically detects you want to buy it, the bank will automatically charge for it. –
9. Scenario should highlight benefit for the user. It is more like services.
10. Making mood board – Final deliverable.
11. -Each write scenario and bring mood board: It sets the scene for what the feeling of the story would be: ex. Someone will write about service that puts the
what do I like? I wonder what other people would like it?

: Back casting: no Super futuristic: within 10 to 15 years make it somewhat little bit realistic so that reader can agree or picture that would happen within 15 years from now.

Ex taxi idea with pregnant women
Write based on your point of you. Conceptual: idea something that u ever experienced it before:
If you are writing about you, it should be more powerful. You know your experience better than anything.
Writing as object point of view.

Chairs communicate with technology.
People don’t have to do anything
Tech talk tech without any human interaction.
We are here to AD for IOT.
Object talks to object.

Let’s focus on the positive aspects of the scenario.
Come up with new Design opportunity.
Come up with different point of view.
POD departure be data transfusion: Writing story from DATA: All come up with different mood board and find pictures with it.

Do mood board as many as you can in power point format. Write many stories as you can.

Hope this helps, well at least it helped me understanding what exactly we need to do, I enjoyed the discussion today during the meeting!

see you all tomorrow,

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Yay!! the last one!!

Since our last part is about scenario building, i went to look up the how to write scenrio, so i mean, this is not relevant to our specific topic of IOT, but at least this article gives a sense of how we should start to build, or write scenerio. HOpe this helps,(it has some examples as well)

I wanted to upload some pictures.. but it is not working for me...awawaw~~!!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Go team Go!!! yay~~!!!!!! awesome guys!

I agree with Lesile!!!!
wow! no matter how we presented, we did awesome as a group, and our soul got together and worked really well, I am very proud of our team!!
I won't forget all the memory's that we have from the pubs, redrooms, computer lab, ...etc... Lets keep going on with our enthusiasm, and letz keep our love towards IOT!!!!

The good news is we have one more chance to show what we have accomplished!!! letz rock this next time!!!

I can't wait until our next group meeting!!!

Awesome work my lovely group members!!!!

Lets learn more from what we did and lets do better next time!

Yay team!!

Monday, March 13, 2006

[sonic city] part of our signal

Hey, I thought it was intersting to post article on sonic city,

"Sonic City is a new form of interactive music instrument using the city as an interface. It enables users to create a real-time personal soundscape of electronic music by walking through and interacting with urban environments. " exactly what we talked about during yesterday's meeting,

Can't wait to discuss more things about POD!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Hey thursday lecture note

Point of departure, what is this story will tell us,

How do you start with writing a story? – creates mood, atmosphere, ex, it was dark at stormy night, it triggers imagination.

*behavior apply through technology
-Camera hold on, capture the moments

POD: find trend, amplify meanings.

Take a example from squirrel
l cell phone

- Signal: MIT makes cellular squirrel
Amplification, now it changes from squirrel to pigeon (possibility –combination of Archetype retrieve
-Archetype retrieve: what is metaphor behind it? –I don’t want to be distributed from technology (understanding of why technology exist

POD: how do you make it good?

-Scenarios- tells story of how you might buy hammers and screws and forget nuts, which are part of set. So--- should remind you of things “in asset” automatically.
-Each groups come up with 20 POD based on signal amplification.

Ex: 1. Signal

-you bought this, - shopping, order, out come, customization, ask questions.
Archetype retrieval: specialist, catalogue, we are expected to know on too much

3. Shopper (expected of contents)
Catalogue- experts of access

4. Signal amplification
“Broad casting the buy” keeps record of your purchases Recommends Then friends of their friends’ /interest. “Amazon everywhere”

5. Point of departure “would you like fries with that?” relates to #4 “ we are expert to know about too much and expand that what if we knew everything?

5. Scenarios “ letter to my uastting mach how you specify. I.e. Would you like fries with? Scenario- how do you know? Its not magic. Give a reason Does a deuce appear? The difference with story is scenario does not need to have plot, ex) climax.. etc. This explain one specific environment. One scene in the story.

I combined the lecture note with pris's, I hope this helps,

Meeting on Monday

Hey guys,
We are going to have a meeting with matt on monday or tuesday, so if you have any questions, letz solve it together,
I will post the class note shortly.(I have note after the break)

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Here is one example of how to do 2nd and 3rd part

I am just posting what we have discussed on last class.
I had difficulty understanding what our task is, but through out this great talk during the class it helped alot. THis is just for Brian and also for our group members notes.

DO you remember my shoe article? this shoe has IOT and detacts your health issues, and these shoe can talk to other shoe and generate the information about walking distance, and stuff like that.

first what we have to define is signal, in this case it can be "we all want to know about our health weather we are in good shape or if we have any problems with our health"

and Second part is to define amplify those signals.
Shoe tells you information about your health.. or maybe contact lense can tell you if your eye condition is okey or not. or your ring can detacts your blood cerculation in your body.. or watch can count your number of plus... and etc.... this part can be very creative as possible.

and than here is point of departure...
this is basically metaphor or story behind based on amplification..

quote can be desire to know everything , refuse to get sick, live forever.."

Also, the graph that Alexendra mentioned at class... is very helpful.. HOw ? why? what????

I hope this helped.

see you soon!!!!!